Monday, October 18, 2010

Life Unimagined/Unexamined

In this current era of political scare tactics, I am utterly sick of the preposterousness. I see people on the left telling me that we were going to return to the Bush era world. I see people on the right telling me how ridiculous Obama is and how all his ideas are wrong.

And those are the rational adults.

The irrational ones are telling me that Obama is evil, socialist incarnate with an agenda to rule the country forever. The other irrational ones are telling me that nothing positive ever happened under any Republican.

I saw someone this morning, and I can't remember who it was for the life of me, who said her two favorite presidents were Reagan and Clinton.

I'm not sure, but I know that my favorite president would be the one who runs the country like a rational adult who understands that shoving crap down our throats isn't good.

This is sleepy rambling, but I will say I am tired of the political nonsense.