Monday, October 18, 2010

Life Unimagined/Unexamined

In this current era of political scare tactics, I am utterly sick of the preposterousness. I see people on the left telling me that we were going to return to the Bush era world. I see people on the right telling me how ridiculous Obama is and how all his ideas are wrong.

And those are the rational adults.

The irrational ones are telling me that Obama is evil, socialist incarnate with an agenda to rule the country forever. The other irrational ones are telling me that nothing positive ever happened under any Republican.

I saw someone this morning, and I can't remember who it was for the life of me, who said her two favorite presidents were Reagan and Clinton.

I'm not sure, but I know that my favorite president would be the one who runs the country like a rational adult who understands that shoving crap down our throats isn't good.

This is sleepy rambling, but I will say I am tired of the political nonsense.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I wrote a status on my facebook page today. That status was something about the day, and how I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day. I made a small, but rather significant typographical error. It's one, in my younger years that I would have jumped on, criticized and let get to me before I ever complimented the full thought, which was truly just a gentle wish for a Happy Independence Day. The only comment I got was on the little error I had made. I had typed 224 years ago, as opposed to 234 years ago.

It's an error, and I won't deny it, but this is what is tearing this country apart, limb by limb. We are so ready to focus on the negative that we don't even think to look to the positive. I was once that person. I couldn't find the positive in anything. What has taught me, over and over again, that I needed to focus on the positive, is what I have seen since I came back to the US.

We are too ready to hate, and not ready enough to like.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Not Having Written - Oil Spill

Oh, it's a sad, sad world where the failure of one becomes the bane of many. I am referring to the failure of one business becoming the bane of many. To be truthful, there are several companies involved in the original disaster. There is Halliburton, Transocean, Cameron and BP (check the article at the Wall Street Journal). The companies will continue to make money, and I don't have an issue with that. What I have an issue with is this: the millions of people, through no fault of their own who has had their livelihood curtailed or destroyed.

Reality says that any time anything happens it affects more than we realize. A car accident affects the first responders, the passers-by, the families of those in the accident, possibly the doctors and nurses at the hospital, the insurance companies, lawyers (yes, even if you don't do anything but make an insurance claim, there's often a lawyer involved), and goodness knows who else. Simply, one awful accident is affecting millions of people.

I'm often a proponent of the free market. I have crazy thoughts that run the gamut of libertarian thought. However, I see this as failure of regulation. I dislike regulation. I often think that regulations are there to keep the idiots from hurting themselves, which makes us utterly beholden to the lowest common denominator. But, the industry wasn't regulating itself, obviously, and there were preposterous failures on the part of the regulators.

The rig was built by a South Korean company, the blow-out preventer (see the above WSJ article) was built by an American company, and the melange of corporations ended up failing miserably. The regulators failed miserably, and now, the gulf is dealing with the failure.

I am not a litigious person, I believe lawsuits often fail to do what is needed or desired. I think that there needs to be a rational deal between the companies (and I think there is too much emphasis on BP) and the people who were affected. Simply put, get the government involved. Find out how much money they have made for the last 10 years, average that, build in a Katrina clause (those affected by Katrina do not average in the years of Katrina's effect), and that amount of money gets paid to the people. The lawsuits would be more costly and lawyers would make money.... And the non-litigious people would muddle along.

It's not a solution to the Oil Spill. I am aggravated and yet have utterly no solution. I am just trying to solve one of the problems caused by the spill.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Modern Whigs

If you are a moderate maybe the Modern Whigs are for you. I have had a friend push me towards the Modern Whigs. I have been railing against both the Republican party (well, the vocal base of the Republican party) and the Democratic party. I have felt like a woman without a party for a while because of many reasons.

I'm not pro-choice. But I find that definitions on either side are difficult for me to settle with. I wish my gay and lesbian friends could get married, but like my friends who are married, a simple kiss is all I ever want to see. I'm 'conservative' in that. I truly believe that kindness is needed in commercialism. I truly believe that a (mostly) free market is necessary for my country to flourish. I believe that the Federal Reserve is a pain in the neck and I don't know enough about it.

And I believe a whole lot of our taxes are ludicrous.

And I still wonder if we really need all of the federal programs that we have. Many programs need to be audited and revised to make less monstrous.

But enough about that... Take a look at the Whigs.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adam Lambert

So, what do you think of Adam Lambert's AMA performance? If you're like me, you think, "What?".

But the simple fact of the matter it was inappropriate. I don't mind him kissing a guy (that's the way it goes) but I mind most public displays of affection. The pseudo-blow job (yes, that's what I called it) was inappropriate because it was on national television. National television is not where I want to turn the channel to see someone even pretending to do anything sexual. Yeah, I don't watch MTV because maybe I have become 'too old for that stuff'.

Sometimes, I am cerebral. At the moment, I am just wishing that this didn't keep popping up in my head. I saw the pictures and they just won't go away.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fake Media

Hello World.

Several people aren't dead. Several people haven't tried to kill themselves.

That's breaking news.

Pardon me for speaking a little out of turn but I am frustrated. I am frustrated because over the last year (and even longer) I have seen the 'news' media tell the public that 'such and such' a person was dead, in the hospital dying, had tried to commit suicide or had even had someone try to stalk them or kill them.

...only to find out that they weren't dead, dying or in any sort of danger...

I am sick and tired of up-to-the-minute reporting that reports something false or not-nearly-true. I could go on, how back when I was in college taking my journalism courses, I was told I couldn't put a story in the newspaper because it was 'unsubstantiated'. I don't think that in today's media that the word 'unsubstantiated' even exists.

The media, in general, is so ready to report a news story that they tell you that someone has died before they have died and that they heard it from someone who heard it from someone. Would you like to have been part of Michael Jackson's family, thinking it might be false only to find it's true? Or would you like to have been Jaclyn Smith's family or Zach Braff's family in the last few hours and days? Both of them are still alive and yet...

It's sad. It's really sad.

Where is the objective and substantiated reporting? Did it die when CNN got competitors, or did it die when CNN came on the air? Who knows, but it's really beginning to bother me.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Twitter Universe

I am living in a Twitter-verse, or something like that. I have a group I belong to, known by the hashtag #modsquad. Yeah, I'm living in a Twitter-verse that is happily mine. I am a moderate thinker. You all know that (well, you should if you have paid attention to my blog title).

We are all avid followers, apparently, of one Joe Scarborough. Some of my modsquad compatriots are definitely not in his political party. That makes me happy. It makes me happy that I belong to a group who wants the world to be a more moderate place.

There's a place for railing against our government. That is part of our right as Americans, to rail against our government, to make our choices and our decisions and let everyone know about it.

It's also our responsibility, or so I believe, that a level of civility is necessary. It's not saying that you can't yell when you disagree, it's saying that we need to remember that yelling fire in a theater is wrong, and yelling 'liar' in the house chamber is, while not equivalent, wrong too. It was tweets about things like that that drew the attention of my moderately thinking Twitter followers (I believe).

I am thrilled to be a part of my Twitter-verse.