Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Twitter Universe

I am living in a Twitter-verse, or something like that. I have a group I belong to, known by the hashtag #modsquad. Yeah, I'm living in a Twitter-verse that is happily mine. I am a moderate thinker. You all know that (well, you should if you have paid attention to my blog title).

We are all avid followers, apparently, of one Joe Scarborough. Some of my modsquad compatriots are definitely not in his political party. That makes me happy. It makes me happy that I belong to a group who wants the world to be a more moderate place.

There's a place for railing against our government. That is part of our right as Americans, to rail against our government, to make our choices and our decisions and let everyone know about it.

It's also our responsibility, or so I believe, that a level of civility is necessary. It's not saying that you can't yell when you disagree, it's saying that we need to remember that yelling fire in a theater is wrong, and yelling 'liar' in the house chamber is, while not equivalent, wrong too. It was tweets about things like that that drew the attention of my moderately thinking Twitter followers (I believe).

I am thrilled to be a part of my Twitter-verse.

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